Innovation for Industry 4.0

ProPi is a product developed by Ensys Ltd,an electronic design company that offers all-around consulting and technical support in the design and production of Hi-Tech devices

Born from the bizarre meeting of a team of engineers in front of a coffee machine at the University of Padua,
Ensys s.r.l.
. Is a solid and dynamic company.

It boasts of well-established experience and specific expertise in numerous areas, including working with numerous specialized engineers.

Our core business lies in the development of innovative electronics and software solutions designed for those companies looking to the future. The ProPi industrial computerwas created with precisely this philosophy in mind: to solve problems and improve production activities.

Vertical and complementary skills

Our team composed of founder Matteo Pozzi, an expert in computer vision, and his partners Alberto De Fortunati, who specializes in firmware, and Diego Giaretton, an electronic designer and a great fan of the hi tech world.

Even now we are still surprised at the pseudo-human intelligence that animates our devices!

We gather stimuli from all possible sources to provide innovative and targeted solutions to serve those who request our collaboration. 


Years of activity




Components designed


Registered patents

“We believe that the best guarantee for our customers is to know that we love what we do, and that we love doing it well.”

Matteo Pozzi

Expert in programming, computer vision and artificial intelligence

Alberto De Fortunati

Expert in firmware development

Diego Giaretton

Expert in electronic design, prototyping and product certification